Urban Food Energy and Water Infrastructure Website
The Urban Food Energy and Water (FEW) Infrastructure website presents a compilation of case studies to help everyone explore, study and learn about next-generation urban infrastructures within the food-energy-water nexus; some case studies include papers, articles, images, webinars and videos for those who want to explore deeper. We look to help introduce these topics to all, becoming a bridge between academia, professionals and non-experts.
The compilation of case studies presented in this website are curated by professors assisted by their students from universities in New York, Arizona, California and other countries like Vienna and Germany who continuously lead research projects developing urban data and frameworks to help cities analyze the food, energy and water nexus systems and interrelationships.
This encyclopedia of case studies will be continuously updated to help traditional infrastructure designs and approaches evolve toward more ambitious and innovative designs that reduce net-zero emissions and the environmental impacts of meeting urban needs while addressing past environmental injustices suffered by marginalized communities.